This drama tells the story of the Bamgee, a poor family of Muslim origin who lived in the suburbs of Johannesburg during Apartheid regime in the 1950s. With the help of a duplicator machine Mrs. Bamgee began to make flayers denouncing abuses and stringent lows of the government. the duplication of these pamphlets cause problems between the family because Mr. Bamgee not understand how a traditional Muslim woman can engage in a such radical act as this work, but his eldest son jimmy supports his mother because he understands the importance of the she does and also he became an activist in his school,increasing conflict in the family.
One night the police arrested Mrs. Bamgee and took the copy machine, left the family devastated by lack of mother. The pain and uncertainty of the Bamgee family grew upon to know her mother has Starting a hunger strike in jail. Mr. Bamgee plunged into depression and angry with his wife refuses to visit her, then the eldest daughter of Mrs. Bamgee, Girlie, makes him understand that her mother always think in others before herself.
Yusuf Bamgee finally understood the reason why they fell in love with his wife, a widow with five children, she is a under full woman. The following Sunday Mr. Bamgee went to the jail to see his wife, he was happy that the strike was over, . he brings her flowers and the best pears from his store. He really feels that she is special.
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