All important decision must be made with absolute sincerity, especially with oneself. We cannot make life-changing decisions if our choices are made based on ulterior motives. You refuse to get married with Pieter because, according to you, you are “too young”. You, yourself, know that very soon you will have to stop using that excuse. You started a relationship with the butcher’s son and why did you do it? You did it out of love for your family because you wanted to help them have a better life and be able to enjoy meat every week. You never really wished for relationship with him. But now two years have passed since you started working in the Vermeer house, and Pieter thinks that it is time you were married and you still refuse him. As your friend, I think it is best we are frank with each other. The real reason you do not want to marry Pieter is because you are secretly in love with Johannes Vermeer. Believe me I understand your sentiment to him. After all, he is a well respected painter in the village and someone you admire a lot, and you better than anyone understands his sensibility and passion as an artist. However, he is not an option for you because he is marry, and he seems too serious a man to leave his wife. All that is left is for you to have an affair. Is that what you really want? To break up a family
If you have any feelings towards Pieter and can see that you may be able to love him in the future, I suggest you leave the Vermeer house and work somewhere else. This way you will not have anymore grief. It is best you consider Pieter, who has had his own business since he was young, is interested in making you his wife, and your parents will always have meat on their table. As for you, you will have your own house and a business. You will be respected in the village by others. This you would not have if you were with Vermeer. Happines is not just feelings but also it is based on our decisions, which we make with common sense.
You friend,
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